Plant It Forward

Advisory Committee

Our Advisory Committee is a volunteer, non-director committee comprised of the people whose guidance we most trust and who represent the key communities that intersect with PIFF’s mission to empower refugees to develop sustainable farming businesses that produce fresh, healthy food for our community. Interested in joining? Email us at


Elizabeth Asnes, Clay Artist & Wandering PIFF Ambassador
Adam Brackman, Entrepreneur
Deogratias N. Burhama, Agricultural Economist
Rhea Davis, Marketing and Public Relations Professional
Mary Isensee
Thresa Skeslien Jenkins, Deloitte Human Capital Consultant
Tara Johnson, Sales Leader & PIFF Advocate
Michael Marchand, President, Whitehurst Farms
Ferdinant Mbiydzenyuy, International Fellow (Cameroon)
Katie McCormick, Social Worker
Jean McWeeney, Cofounder, Ruston Farmers Market
Kim Meyer, Independent Writer
Jacob Moore, Teacher-Anthropologist
Constant Ngouala, PIF Farmer & Agriculture Consultant
Roy Nlemba, PIF Farmer
Jeremy Peaches, Fresh Life Organic Founder
Robert "Skip" Richter, County Extension Agent - Horticulture
Pierre Materanya Ruchinagiza, PIF Farmer
Amy Scott, Commercial food and agricultural photographer
Katherine J. Slater, Advisor to families and businesses
Alan Steinberg, Center for Civic Leadership, Rice University