Plant It Forward

Farm Share Member-Farmer Agreement (YES Prep Brays Oaks)

Plant It Forward offers a weekly Farm Share program in which customers become members of our farm, and create a relationship between the farmer and the customer. The customer then receives a bundle of freshly harvested produce weekly. Members must agree to the following terms in order to partner with our farm:

1. This agreement pertains to Farm Shareholders paying with their SNAP (Lonestar) card to receive Farm Shares at 50% off regular price at YES Prep Brays Oaks. Members must indicate at the weekly pick-up whether they intend to pick-up a Farm Share the following week.

2. Members are responsible for picking up their Farm Share at their chosen location and time each week. Members are encouraged to find someone else to pick up their share when they will be away. If you or a representative of your family/party is not there to pick up your share during the designated pick up time, your share will be given away, donated, or sold to help the farmers ensure a living wage. Missed pick-ups cannot be made up.

3. Members understand that the produce in their bag will depend entirely upon what is in season and growing on the farm. Plant It Forward Farms cannot guarantee any item and is unable to customize shares for members. Occasionally, Plant It Forward Farms sources products from other local farms to bring our members the best variety. When products are included from partner farms we will indicate the source of those particular products in our email communication to members.

4. We promise to do our best to provide you with a bountiful share each week. The quantity of produce, however, may vary from week-to-week due to extreme weather, pests, natural disasters, or other production factors despite our best efforts. By joining our Farm Share, you are agreeing to share the risk of crop failure with us and other members. In the unlikely event of a crop failure, we may extend the season or compensate for the failed crops by filling your share with other crops grown on the farm that are ready for harvest at that time. If a large portion of crops fail, we may not be able to deliver any produce for some weeks or at all.

5. Email is the primary method of communication between the farm and customer. Those participating in the Farm Share program agree to open and read all e-mail communications from us as soon as they are noticed.

6. Members will be added to our email newsletter list.

7. A few times a year Plant It Forward will hold farm events where members are invited out to the farms. Photographs will be taken at these events and members agree to allow Plant It Forward to use these photographs for marketing purposes.

I have read the Plant It Forward Farm Share Member Agreement and I accept the terms and conditions.

Thank you for supporting local, sustainable agriculture! We look forward to working with you!