Plant It Forward

Fish & Greens

* one fish, filleted into serving size pieces

* one-third cup palm oil (or peanut oil or any cooking oil)

* three cloves garlic, chopped

* one onion, chopped

* one cup water

* one pound spinach leaves, cleaned (or collards, kale, or similar, cleaned, chopped, and blanched)

* canned tomatoes

* one tablespoon salt

* cayenne pepper, red pepper, or African Hot Sauce (to taste)

What you do

* In deep pan, fry the fish in the oil. Add the garlic and onion. Reduce heat and simmer until onions are clear. Add water. Simmer 15 minutes.

* Add tomatoes and spinach. (If other greens are used they should be blanched ahead of time.) Season to taste. Simmer until all is done. Serve with Baton de Manioc (also called Chikwangue), Fufu, or Rice.