Plant It Forward

Give Forward Challenge

“Friend-Raise” for Farmers!

This holiday season, join our Give Forward Challenge and “friend-raise” to develop our farmers’ small businesses, increase access to good farm land, and bring fresh, healthy food into more communities. Together we can create a healthier and more inclusive food system.

Individuals who raise $1,000 receive a Plant It Forward hat and will receive an invitation to an exclusive winners farm tour! The winner who raises the most funds for our Give Forward Challenge receives a bundle of Plant It Forward merchandise, an invitation to the winners farm tour, dinner with a farmer, and one Grand Farm Share.

Join the Challenge Now

Joining the Give Forward Challenge is easy. Simply click the button below, fill out the necessary information, and share far and wide! Put it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, send it in an email, and share with your family during the holidays. Participants can join at any time. The winners will be announced on January 1, 2020. Please email if you have questions.