Plant It Forward

Purchase Farm Share

Please choose your Farm Share option (# weeks and if paying by check or credit), add item to cart, and proceed to check-out. (You will have to choose between check and credit card again during check-out.)

The options below are for 2015-2016 seasons of 25-weeks or 50-weeks (scroll all the way down). Both seasons will begin January 13th-18th. The 25-week season will end June 30th- July 5th,the 50-week season will end January 5th-10th 2016 with a 2-week break in September 2014.

All payments must be received by Friday, January 2nd. 


  paying by check/ $600 ($580 on or before Dec 15th) / 25-weeks / Jan 2015-Jun 2015 / paying by check


    paying by credit / $614 ($593.50 on or before Dec 15th) / 25-weeks / Jan 2015-Jun 2015 / paying by credit 


  paying by check / $1150 ($1120 on or before Dec 15th) / 50-weeks / Jan 2015-Jan 2016 / paying by check


    paying by credit/ $1176.25 ($1145.75 on or before Dec 15th) / 50-weeks / Jan 2015-Jan 2016 / paying by credit