Plant It Forward

Sorrel Nutrition Facts

Sorrel, also known as spinach dock, is quite similar to spinach in appearance, and similarly chock-full of nutrients. Just one cup of this dark, leafy green (30 calories) contains about 3 grams of protein, 4 grams of fiber, 106 percent of your daily vitamins A and C, 17 percent iron (so much energy!), over 500 milligrams of potassium (more than a banana), 10 percent of your vitamin B6, and 34 percent of your daily magnesium. Here are some reasons you should be adding this green into your repertoire.

It outshines similar greens in terms of nutrients. Compared to spinach, it’s significantly higher in fiber, protein, potassium, vitamin A, calcium, iron, B6, vitamin C (by nearly nine times), and magnesium (by nearly six times). Compared to kale, it’s also got higher nutrient values, with even fewer calories and carbohydrates.
You’ll eat your way to feeling better. The high levels of magnesium and B6 are anxiety relieving, and can reduce stress. The massive levels of potassium make spinach dock a great remedy for cramped muscles, while iron provides energy and vitamins A and C help with immunity.
It doesn’t taste like leaves. If you want to try green juice but don’t like the “leafy” taste, it’s time to try sorrel. It has a tangy, tart flavor — some describe it as lemony or like a sour green apple — and it tastes nothing like kale or spinach. Try it in a green juice, a smoothie, or a fresh salad with fruit.