Plant It Forward

Sorrel Omelet

Sorrel Omelet


  • 4 eggs
  • 1 Tbsp. cream
  • 1 cup sorrel, cleaned and trimmed
  • 2 Tbsp. butter, divided
  • 1/4 tsp. salt


  1. Shred sorrel.
  2. In a heavy pan, heat half the butter and add sorrel and salt. Cook for about ten minutes, while stirring.
  3. Combine the eggs and cream in a bowl, beating gently.
  4. Add the cooked sorrel to the eggs and combine in the bowl.
  5. Add the remaining butter to a skillet and heat until butter is slightly browned.
  6. Add the egg and sorrel mixture and stir briskly with the back of a fork or spoon until the eggs are evenly spread on the bottom of the skillet. Keep moving the unset eggs around with the utensil smoothly until there is no liquid left. Do not overcook. Shake the pan gently over the heat a few times.
  7. Fold the omelet over in half and serve.


Original recipe: