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Things to Do with Sorrel

Sorrel Recipes: 50 Things To Do With Fresh Sorrel

– Chop sorrell into a butter sauce to go with salmon fishcakes.
– Pair with salmon, mustard seeds and raspberries.
– Hot sorrel soup, with leeks, dill and sour cream
– Soup of fresh shelling beans and sorrel – Green borscht – Chilled sorrel soup with plain yogurt and lemon (a.k.a. schav in Yiddish)
– Lightly sauté in butter with shallots, deglaze with sherry, then mix all with goat cheese and use as an omelet filling.
– Chicken and sorrel sandwich with fresh mayonnaise

– Toss into mixed-leaf salads, with a relatively sweet dressing, and optional goat cheese crumbled on top.
– Chopped sorrel with black beans or lentils for a cold salad
– Warm potato and salmon salad with sorrel vinaigrette
– A salad of white peaches and sorrel
– Charlotte potato salad with wilted sorrel, yogurt and some freshly grated horseradish and chives
– Rice with sorrel and lemon, served as a side to fish
– Chop with an onion, garlic and mushrooms. Sauté lightly in butter and stuff a chicken.
– Pan sear with butter, and pair with a thin piece of veal in a port reduction, with a very light sprinkling of sumac.
– Fried beans with sorrel, feta and sumac from the second Ottolenghi book, Plenty – Add to spanakopita.
– Sauté briefly in olive oil and mix with almond butter and salt, to accompany mushrooms (crisp bacon optional).
– Sorrel spinach pesto with pumpkin seeds
– Sprinkle sorrel, chiffonaded or gently melted into frying butter, on fresh pasta. Grate a little lemon zest on top.
– Toss some penne with sorrel, red onion, mint and garlic.